Thursday, June 4, 2020

Favorite Science Fiction from Many Movie Eras

Could go on and on in this genre. Was thinking of dividing it into about twenty sub-genres and doing twenty for each one. But decided instead to just do a bunch of favorites from various eras. Remember seeing the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers on TV as a kid and finding it quite scary. The Jules Verne movies of the 50s and 60s probably made me a science fiction fan. See how many of these movies from many different eras you can recognize!

To see how well you've done, check the titles at the link below:

Favorite Westerns from Many Movie Eras

Growing up in the 50s and 60s meant westerns. There were lots of western series on TV: Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Wyatt Earp... and lots of great western movies. Here are some of my favorite western movies from vintage to modern day. You can try to guess the names of the 20 movies.  When you want to check your answers go to the link below:

Shakespeare at the Movies

Over the years there have been many great movie adaptations of Shakespeare plays, along with some movies about Shakespeare himself. I picked twenty of my favorites. See how many you can recognize.

When you want to check the titles go to the link below:

Stirring Sagas of the Sea

Twenty of my favorite stirring sagas of the sea from many different decades. See how many you can recognize!

When you want to check the movie titles, go to the link below:

Index of Posts

I like to contemplate, from time to time, the fact that every movie is a series of pixel mosaics viewed so rapidly one after another that you believe you are actually seeing figures in motion.  Do our brains do the same thing with the images that it assembles into the vision of our world?

This blog presents select mosaics from movies and assembles them into a mosaic collage that represents one genre or type of movie.  The viewer is invited to contemplate the images and try to remember the movies they are from.  Each post ends with a link to the names of the movies, so you can check to see which ones you recognized and which you didn't!

Island Movies

Always been fascinated by islands. Fortunately, so have many other people down through the ages, so I have been able to accumulate a great collection of books and movies on islands. So above you will find a mosaic featuring twenty of my favorite island movies from many different decades. You can see which ones you recognize!

When you want to see what the movies are, you can follow the link below:

Favorite Island Movies

 John Fowles, the author of the novel The French Lieutenant's Woman, was a great island lover, particularly the famous Scilly Isles southwest of Cornwall in the UK. He wrote a book with many photographs called simply Islands and containing one of my favorite island quotes:

John Fowles also wrote a great island novel entitled The Magnus about an young British teacher on a Greek island who gets drawn into the eccentric and deceptive world of a mysterious and wealthy Greek recluse: